Home Install Torq Torq Configuration options

Torq Configuration options

Last updated on Jan 19, 2024

Torq supports a TOML configuration file. The docker compose install script auto generates this file. You can find an example configuration file at example-torq.conf

It is also possible not to use any TOML configuration files and use command like parameters. The list of parameters are:

--lnd.url: Host:Port of the LND node (example: "")

--lnd.macaroon-path: Path on disk to LND Macaroon (example: "~/.lnd/admin.macaroon")

--lnd.tls-path: Path on disk to LND TLS file (example: "~/.lnd/tls.cert")

--cln.url: Host:Port of the CLN node (example: "")

--cln.certificate-path: Path on disk to CLN client certificate file (example: "~/.cln/client.pem")

--cln.key-path: Path on disk to CLN client key file (example: "~/.cln/client-key.pem")

--cln.ca-certificate-path: Path on disk to CLN certificate authority file (example: "~/.cln/ca.pem")

--db.name: Name of the database (default: "torq")

--db.user: Name of the postgres user with access to the database (default: "postgres")

--db.password: Password used to access the database (default: "runningtorq")

--db.port: Port of the database (default: "5432")

--db.host: Host of the database (default: "localhost")

--torq.password: Password used to access the API and frontend (example: "C44y78A4JXHCVziRcFqaJfFij5HpJhF6VwKjz4vR")

--torq.network-interface: The nework interface to serve the HTTP API (default: "")

--torq.port: Port to serve the HTTP API (default: "8080")

--torq.pprof.path: When pprof path is set then pprof is loaded when Torq boots. (example: ":6060"). WARNING: pprof exposes internals of your app on whichever path you specify, be careful not to expose this publicly.

--torq.debuglevel: Specify different debug levels (panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace) (default: "info")

--torq.vector.url: Alternative path for alternative vector service implementation (default: "https://vector.ln.capital/")

--torq.cookie-path: Path to auth cookie file

--torq.no-sub: Start the server without subscribing to node data (default: "false")

--torq.auto-login: Allows logging in without a password (default: "false")

--customize.mempool.url: Mempool custom URL (no trailing slash) (default: "https://mempool.space")